Viitorul hibrid al zborului

BY: In Magazin
Graphic shows a possible future General Electric jet engine with exposed fan blades in front of a cut-away-interior view of its core mechanisms -- all part of NASA's HyTEC research project.

NASA și GE Aerospace colaborează pentru a dezvolta primul motor de avion cu tehnologie hibridă-electrică, care ar putea revoluționa industria aviatică în viitorul apropiat. Această inovație ar putea reduce semnificativ consumul de combustibil și emisiile, deschizând uși pentru aviația sustenabilă.

Proiectul HyTEC al NASA are ca obiectiv demonstrarea conceptului de motor hibrid-electric până la sfârșitul anului 2028, cu potențialul de a fi implementat pe avioanele de pasageri începând cu anii 2030. Acest motor ar fi primul de acest fel, cu capacitatea de a fi alimentat parțial de mașini electrice care funcționează atât ca motoare, cât și ca generatoare.

Unul dintre principalele avantaje ale acestui motor ar fi reducerea consumului de combustibil și a emisiilor cu aproximativ 5 până la 10%. Totodată, tehnologia hibrid-electrică ar putea fi alimentată de un nou nucleu de motor cu reacție mai mic, menținându-și totuși puterea necesară pentru a asigura zborul în condiții optime.

În prezent, motoarele de avion nu sunt cu adevărat hibride electrice, ci folosesc generatoare pentru a alimenta diverse echipamente la bord. Cu toate acestea, noul motor dezvoltat de NASA și GE Aerospace ar putea schimba paradigma aviatică, oferind o soluție mai sustenabilă pentru transportul aerian în viitor.

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Colaborarea dintre NASA și GE Aerospace în cadrul proiectului HyTEC este esențială pentru avansarea tehnologiei hibride-electrice în aviație comercială. Acest proiect face parte din programul de vehicule aeriene avansate al NASA și din Parteneriatul Național pentru Zbor Sustenabil al NASA, care vizează atingerea obiectivului SUA de emisii de gaze cu efect de seră nete zero în aviație până în 2050.

Hybrid-electric cars have been a staple of the road for many years now.

Soon that same idea of a part-electric-, part-gas-powered engine may find its way into the skies propelling a future jet airliner.

NASA is working in tandem with industry partner GE Aerospace on designing and building just such an engine, one that burns much less fuel by including new components to help electrically power the engine.

In this hybrid jet engine, a fuel-burning core powers the engine and is assisted by electric motors. The motors produce electric power, which is fed back into the engine itself—therefore reducing how much fuel is needed to power the engine in the first place.

Anthony nerone

NASA Project Manager

The work is happening as part of NASA’s Hybrid Thermally Efficient Core (HyTEC) project. This work intends to demonstrate this engine concept by the end of 2028 to enable its use on airliners as soon as the 2030s.

It represents a major step forward in jet engine technology.

This jet engine would be the first ever mild hybrid-electric jet engine. A “mild hybrid” engine can be powered partially by electrical machines operating both as motors and generators.

“This will be the first mild hybrid-electric engine and could lead to the first production engine for narrow-body airliners that’s hybrid electric,” said Anthony Nerone, who leads the HyTEC project from NASA’s Glenn Research Center in Cleveland. “It really opens the door for more sustainable aviation even beyond the 2030s.”

The hybrid-electric technology envisioned by NASA and GE Aerospace also could be powered by a new small jet engine core.

A major HyTEC project goal is to design and demonstrate a jet engine that has a smaller core but produces about the same amount of thrust as engines being flown today on single-aisle aircraft.

At the same time, the smaller core technology aims to reduce fuel burn and emissions by an estimated 5 to 10%.

A GE Aerospace Passport engine is being modified with hybrid electric components for testing.

“Today’s jet engines are not really hybrid electric,” Nerone said. “They have generators powering things like lights, radios, TV screens, and that kind of stuff. But not anything that can power the engines.”

The challenge is figuring out the best times to use the electric motors.

“Later this year, we are doing some testing with GE Aerospace to research which phases of flight we can get the most fuel savings,” Nerone said.

Embedded electric motor-generators will optimize engine performance by creating a system that can work with or without energy storage like batteries. This could help accelerate the introduction of hybrid-electric technologies for commercial aviation prior to energy storage solutions being fully matured.

“Together with NASA, GE Aerospace is doing critical research and development that could help make hybrid-electric commercial flight possible,” said Arjan Hegeman, general manager of future of flight technologies at GE Aerospace.

The technologies related to HyTEC are among those GE Aerospace is working to mature and advance under CFM International’s Revolutionary Innovation for Sustainable Engines (RISE) program. CFM is a joint venture between GE Aerospace and Safran Aircraft Engines. CFM RISE, which debuted in 2021, encompasses a suite of technologies including advanced engine architectures and hybrid electric systems aimed at being compatible with 100% Sustainable Aviation Fuel.

HyTEC, part of NASA’s Advanced Air Vehicles Program, is a key area of NASA’s Sustainable Flight National Partnership, which is collaborating with government, industry, and academic partners to address the U.S. goal of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions in aviation by the year 2050.

Acest titlu a fost scris de inteligență artificială Chat GPT, unele date pot fi incorecte. Pentru stirea originala, verificati sursa: Link catre sursa

Sursa si foto: NASA

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