NASA lansează Boeing Starliner într-o nouă misiune de testare

BY: In Magazin
Astronaut Suni Williams (left), an Indian-American woman, smiles and gives a thumbs up to the camera. She wears a blue Boeing spacesuit.

NASA’s Boeing Crew Flight Test astronaut, Suni Williams, is gearing up for her third trip to the International Space Station. Williams, who was selected as an astronaut by NASA in 1998, has already spent time aboard the ISS twice. This time, she will be traveling aboard Boeing’s Starliner spacecraft as the pilot, with NASA astronaut Butch Wilmore serving as the commander.

The mission dress rehearsal took place on Friday, April 26, 2024, at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Williams was seen giving a thumbs up during the rehearsal, showing her readiness for the upcoming journey.

The Starliner spacecraft is scheduled to liftoff atop a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket from Space Launch Complex-41 at nearby Cape Canaveral Space Force Station at 10:34 p.m. ET on Monday, May 6. This mission is part of NASA’s Boeing Crew Flight Test, which is one of the final flight tests for Starliner as it works towards certification.

The participation of Suni Williams in this mission is not only a testament to her dedication and experience as an astronaut but also a milestone for diversity in space exploration. Williams, who is of Asian American descent, serves as an inspiration for young girls and aspiring astronauts from underrepresented communities.

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As May marks Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, Williams’ upcoming journey serves as a reminder of the contributions and achievements of individuals from these diverse backgrounds in the field of space exploration. The gallery dedicated to this heritage month showcases the rich history and accomplishments of these communities, including trailblazers like Suni Williams.

With preparations in full swing for the upcoming mission, all eyes are on Williams and her fellow crew members as they embark on this important journey to the International Space Station. Their successful mission will not only further our understanding of space but also inspire future generations to reach for the stars.

NASA’s Boeing Crew Flight Test astronaut Suni Williams gives a thumbs up during a mission dress rehearsal on Friday, April 26, 2024, at the agency’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Williams was selected as an astronaut by NASA in 1998 and has been aboard the International Space Station twice. She is set to return to the space station for a third time, traveling aboard Boeing’s Starliner spacecraft as pilot. NASA astronaut Butch Wilmore will also be aboard as commander. Starliner is scheduled to liftoff atop a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket from Space Launch Complex-41 at nearby Cape Canaveral Space Force Station at 10:34 p.m. ET Monday, May 6. NASA’s Boeing Crew Flight Test is one of the final flight tests for Starliner on its road to certification.

Visit the Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month gallery.

Image Credit: NASA/Frank Micheaux

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Sursa si foto: NASA

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