Inventiile zboara la NASA

BY: In Magazin
Students Aim High at NASA JPL ‘Candy Toss’ Competition

La cea de-a 25-a ediție a Concursului de Inventică de la NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory din California de Sud, s-au lansat zeci de bomboane prin aer. Peste 200 de elevi au participat la competiție, folosind dispozitive construite acasă, iar provocarea de anul acesta a fost una dulce: să construiască o mașină automatizată care să lanseze, în 60 de secunde, 50 de bomboane acoperite cu ciocolată și arahide peste o barieră și într-un recipient triunghiular de plexiglas aflat la 5 metri distanță.

Participanții, provenind din 21 de echipe de școli medii și licee din Los Angeles și Orange County, au folosit catapulte, praştii, volante, arcuri și benzi de cauciuc masive pentru a-și realiza dispozitivele. Un dispozitiv imens în formă de iepuraș albastru a lansat bomboanele prin nas cu ajutorul unui compresor de aer, în timp ce alte echipaje s-au bazat pe suflante de frunze și aspiratoare.

Elevii de la Santa Monica High School au câștigat primul loc cu un design clasic: o arbaletă modificată. “Am încercat să vin cu ceva care a fost încercat și verificat din punct de vedere istoric”, a spus Steele Winterer, unul dintre elevii echipei câștigătoare. Echipa a lucrat la construcția dispozitivului în timpul orelor de curs din cadrul programului de inginerie al școlii.

Alte două locuri au fost ocupate de echipe de la Oakwood School din North Hollywood, care au adoptat un approach de linie de foc, folosind patru dispozitive de lemn paralele, fiecare elev lansând bomboane după celălalt în succesiune rapidă.

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Concursul de Inventică de la NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory a fost creat în 1998 pentru a inspira elevii să descopere plăcerea de a construi și de a rezolva probleme. Echipele de elevi petrec luni întregi proiectând, construind și testând dispozitivele lor pentru a încerca să câștige noua provocare pe care inginerul mecanic Paul MacNeal o concepe în fiecare an.

Acest eveniment este susținut de zeci de voluntari de la JPL, care este gestionat de Caltech în Pasadena pentru NASA. Este o ocazie unică pentru elevi să vadă echipele de ingineri de la JPL concurând alături de ei și să învețe că ingineria poate fi distractivă și plină de provocări.

Treats went flying through the air by the dozens at the annual Invention Challenge at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

The 25th Invention Challenge at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California, which welcomed more than 200 students to compete using home-built devices, was pretty sweet this year. Literally.

That’s because the challenge at the Friday, Dec. 6, competition was to construct an automated machine that would launch, within 60 seconds, 50 chocolate-coated-peanut candies over a barrier and into a triangular Plexiglas container 16 feet (5 meters) away. The mood was tense as teachers, parents, and JPL employees watched the “Peanut Candy Toss Contest” from the sidelines, some of them eating the ammunition.

Students on 21 teams from Los Angeles and Orange county middle and high schools turned to catapults, slingshots, flywheels, springs, and massive rubber bands. There was lots of PVC piping. A giant device shaped like a blue bunny shot candy out of its nose with the help of an air compressor, while other entries relied on leaf blowers and vacuums.

Some were more successful than others. Ultimately, it was an old-school design that won first place for a team from Santa Monica High School: a modified crossbow.

“I tried to come up with something that was historically tried and true,” said Steele Winterer, a senior on the team who produced the initial design. Like his teammates, Steele is in the school’s engineering program and helped build the device during class. He described the process as “nerve-wracking,” “messy,” and “disorganized,” but everyone found their role as the design was refined.

Second and third place went to teams from Oakwood School in North Hollywood, which both took a firing-line approach, using four parallel wooden devices, with one student per device firing after each other in quick succession.

Two regional Invention Challenges held at Costa Mesa High School and Augustus Hawkins High School in South L.A. last month had winnowed the field to the 21 teams invited to the final event at JPL. At the finals, three JPL-sponsored teams from out-of-state schools and two teams that included adult engineers faced off in a parallel competition. In this second competition group, retired JPL engineer Alan DeVault took first place, followed by Boston Charter School of Science coming in second, and Centaurus High School from Colorado in third.

Held since 1998 (with a two-year break during the COVID-19 pandemic), the contest was designed by JPL mechanical engineer Paul MacNeal to inspire students to discover a love for building things and solving problems. Student teams spend months designing, constructing, and testing their devices to try to win the new challenge that MacNeal comes up with each year.

“When student teams come to the finals, they are engaged just as engineers are engaged in the work we do here at JPL,” MacNeal said. “It’s engineering for the joy of it. It’s problem-solving but it’s also team building. And it’s unique because the rules change every year. The student teams get to see JPL engineering teams compete side by side. I started this contest to show students that engineering is fun!”

The event is supported by dozens of volunteers from JPL, which is managed by Caltech in Pasadena for NASA.

Melissa Pamer
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.


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Sursa si foto: NASA

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