Workshopul internațional ASSURE 2018 s-a încheiat cu succes, oferind un forum internațional pentru contribuții de înaltă calitate în domeniul aplicării principiilor și tehnicilor de asigurare a cazurilor pentru sistemele intensive în software. Acest eveniment a fost colocalizat cu SAFECOMP 2018 și și-a propus să ofere o platformă pentru discuții referitoare la asigurarea proprietăților de dependabilitate ale sistemelor critice, intensive în software.
Unghiul acestui workshop a fost acela de a explora tehnici pentru crearea și evaluarea cazurilor de asigurare pentru sistemele intensive în software, de a examina rolul acestor cazuri în ciclul de viață al sistemelor critice, de a identifica dimensiunile practice eficiente în dezvoltarea și evaluarea cazurilor de asigurare, de a investiga relația dintre tehnicile de dependabilitate și cazurile de asigurare, precum și de a identifica provocările critice de cercetare și a defini un plan pentru dezvoltarea viitoare.
Certificările și standardele din industrie recomandă sau impun acum dezvoltarea cazurilor de asigurare pentru sistemele intensive în software, cum ar fi standardul ISO 26262 pentru industria auto sau ghidul FDA privind ciclul de viață complet al pompelor de perfuzie. Astfel, este necesar să se dezvolte modele, tehnici și instrumente care să vizeze dezvoltarea argumentelor de asigurare pentru software.
Pe lângă aceste aspecte, workshopul a abordat și alte teme precum: analiza dependabilității, co-ingineria siguranței și securității, precum și instrumentele utilizate pentru modelarea, analiza și gestionarea cazurilor de asigurare.
Îți mai recomandăm
În cadrul workshopului, au fost prezentate mai multe sesiuni și discuții, inclusiv un panel despre rolul instrumentelor de asigurare a cazurilor. Evenimentul a fost un succes, oferind participanților oportunitatea de a învăța și de a contribui la dezvoltarea acestui domeniu esențial pentru sistemele critice.
Evenimentul a inclus și prezentarea unor lucrări de cercetare, precum și a unor instrumente și practici deosebit de valoroase în domeniul asigurării cazurilor pentru sisteme intensive în software. Aceste contribuții vor constitui un punct de plecare important pentru viitoarele dezvoltări în acest domeniu vital pentru siguranța și securitatea sistemelor critice.
ASSURE 2018 has successfully concluded.
New! 2018-07-30: The ASSURE 2018 program has been announced. The final program is contingent on registration. If you haven’t already done so, please register for ASSURE 2018 via SAFECOMP 2018.
2018-06-21: ASSURE 2018 will be held on Tuesday, Sep. 18, 2018. The accepted papers and program will be posted here soon.
2018-06-12: Authors of accepted papers have been notified. The final, camera-ready version and a signed copyright release form are due on June 21, 2018. Instructions on submitting both the final version and the copyright form also have been posted.
2018-05-30: Paper submission deadlines have passed. Submission is now closed.
2018-05-18: ASSURE deadlines have been extended by a week, to May 29, 2018.
2018-04-09: The deadline to submit papers to ASSURE 2018 is May 22, 2018. Submit a paper now!
2018-03-28: See the call for papers or download the PDF call for papers.
2018-03-26: The ASSURE 2018 website is live!
The 6th International Workshop on Assurance Cases for Software-intensive Systems (ASSURE 2018) is being collocated this year with SAFECOMP 2018, and aims to provide an international forum for high-quality contributions on the application of assurance case principles and techniques to provide assurance that the dependability properties of critical, software-intensive systems have been met.
The main goals of the workshop are to:
Explore techniques for the creation and assessment of assurance cases for software-intensive systems
Examine the role of assurance cases in the engineering lifecycle of critical systems
Identify the dimension of effective practice in the development and evaluation of assurance cases
Investigate the relationship between dependability techniques and assurance cases
Identify critical research challenges and define a roadmap for future development
We invite original, high-quality research, practice, tools and position papers that have not been published/submitted elsewhere. See the full Call for Papers, for more details on topics. Also view the submission deadlines, and guidelines.
09:00 – 09:05 Welcome and Introduction, ASSURE 2018 Organizers
09:05 – 10:00 Keynote Talk. Assurance Cases: Mindsets, Methodologies and Convergence, Robin Bloomfield
10:00 – 10:30 Research on the Classification of the Relationships Among the Same Layer Elements in Assurance Case Structure for Evaluation, B. Xu, M. Lu, T. Gu, and D. Zhang
10:30 – 11:00 Morning Coffee/Tea Break
11:00 – 12:30 Session 2. Patterns and Processes
11:00 – 11:30 The Assurance Recipe: Facilitating Assurance Patterns, J. Firestone and M. Cohen
11:30 – 12:00 Incorporating Attacks Modeling into Safety Process, A. Surkovic, D. Hanic, E. Lisova, A. Causevic, K. Lundqvist, D. Wenslandt, and C. Falk
12:00 – 12:30 Assurance Case Considerations for Interoperable Medical Systems, Y. Zhang, B. Larson, and J. Hatcliff
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch Break
13:30 – 15:30 Session 3. Tools and Automation
13:30 – 14:00 Two Decades of Assurance Case Tools: A Survey, M. Maksimov, N. Fung, S. Kokaly, and M. Chechik
14:00 – 14:30 MMINT–A: A Tool for Automated Change Impact Assessment on Assurance Cases, N. Fung, S. Kokaly, A. Di Sandro, R. Salay, and M. Chechik
14:30 – 15:00 D–Case Steps: New Steps for Writing Assurance Cases, Y. Onuma, T. Takai, T. Koshiyama, and Y. Matsuno
15:00 – 15:30 Continuous Argument Engineering: Tackling Uncertainty in Machine Learning based Systems, F. Ishikawa, and Y. Matsuno
15:30 – 16:00 Afternoon Coffee/Tea Break
16:00 – 17:20 Session 4. Panel Session. What are Assurance Case Tools For?
17:20 – 17:30 ASSURE 2018 Conclusion and Wrap-Up
Workshop Papers Due
29 May 2018
Notification of Acceptance
11 June 2018
Camera-ready Copies Due
21 June 2018
ASSURE 2018 Workshop
September 18, 2018
September 19 – 21, 2018
Software plays a key role in high-risk systems, e.g., safety-, and security-critical systems. Several certification standards/guidelines now recommend and/or mandate the development of assurance cases for software-intensive systems, e.g., defense (UK MoD DS-0056), aviation (CAP 670, FAA’s operational approval guidance for unmanned aircraft systems), automotive (ISO 26262), and healthcare (FDA infusion pumps total product lifecycle guidance). As such, there is a need to develop models, techniques and tools that target the development of assurance arguments for software.
The goals of the 2018 Workshop on Assurance Cases for Software-intensive Systems (ASSURE 2018) are to:
explore techniques for creating/assessing assurance cases for software-intensive systems;
examine the role of assurance cases in the engineering lifecycle of critical systems;
identify the dimensions of effective practice in the development and evaluation of assurance cases;
investigate the relationship between dependability techniques and assurance cases; and,
identify critical research challenges and define a roadmap for future development.
We solicit high-quality contributions: research, practice, tools and position papers on the application of assurance case principles and techniques to assure that the dependability properties of critical software-intensive systems have been met.
Papers should attempt to address the workshop goals in general.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Assurance issues in emerging paradigms, e.g., adaptive and autonomous systems, including self-driving cars, unmanned aircraft systems, complex health care and decision making systems, etc.
Standards: Industry guidelines and standards are increasingly requiring the development of assurance cases, e.g., the automotive standard ISO 26262 and the FDA guidance on the total product lifecycle for infusion pumps.
Certification and Regulations: The role and usage of assurance cases in the certification of critical systems, as well as to show compliance to regulations.
Empiricism: Empirical assessment of the applicability of assurance cases in different domains and certification regimes.
Dependable architectures: How do fault-tolerant architectures and design measures such as diversity and partitioning relate to assurance cases?
Dependability analysis: What are the relationships between dependability analysis techniques and the assurance case paradigm?
Safety and security co-engineering: What are the impacts of security on safety, particularly safety cases, and how can safety and security cases (e.g., as proposed in ISO 26262 and SAE J 3061 respectively) be reconciled?
Tools: Using the output from software engineering tools (testing, formal verification, code generators) as evidence in assurance cases / using tools for the modeling, analysis and management of assurance cases.
Application of formal techniques for the creation, analysis, reuse, and modularization of arguments.
Exploration of relevant techniques for assurance cases for real-time, concurrent, and distributed systems.
Assurance of software quality attributes, e.g., safety, security and maintainability, as well as dependability in general, including tradeoffs, and exploring notions of the quality of assurance cases themselves.
Domain-specific assurance issues, in domains such as aerospace, automotive, healthcare, defense and power.
Reuse and Modularization: Contracts and patterns for improving the reuse of assurance case structures.
Relations between different formalisms and paradigms of assurance and argumentation, such as Goal Structuring Notation, STAMP, IBIS, and goal-oriented formalisms such as KAOS.
Submission Instructions for Accepted Papers
If your paper has been accepted for the ASSURE 2018 Program, please follow ALL the instructions below, when preparing your final, camera-ready paper for the proceedings.
The final paper and the signed copyright form are due on June 21, 2018. This is a firm deadline for the production of the proceedings.
Include acknowledgements of the support your work/project has received, as appropriate and if applicable, at the end of the paper.
Final Paper Submission
Submit your final, camera-ready paper using your EasyChair author account, for inclusion into the Workshop Proceedings. After you have logged in, select the Proceedings Author role to be directed to the submission page. Springer reserves the right to reformat your paper to meet their print and digital publication requirements. Consequently, you will need to submit all the source files associated with your paper. Follow the instructions after logging in, to upload two files:
either a zipped file containing all your LaTeX sources or a Word file in the RTF format, and
a PDF version of your camera-ready paper.
Plagiarism, self-plagiarism, and publication in multiple venues are not permitted.
Copyright Release
Your paper will not be published in the proceedings unless a completed and signed copyright transfer form has been received.
Authors must fill and sign the Springer “Consent to Publish” copyright release form using the following information:
Title of the Book or Conference Name: Computer Safety, Reliability and Security – SAFECOMP 2018 Workshops – ASSURE, DECSoS, SASSUR, STRIVE, and WAISE.
Volume Editor(s): Barbara Gallina, Amund Skavhaug, Erwin Schoitsch, and Friedemann Bitsch.
One author may sign on behalf of all authors.
Springer does not accept digital signatures. Please physically sign the form, scan, and email it in PDF or any standard acceptable image format, to the SAFECOMP 2018 Publication Chair by the deadline above.
Alternatively, upload the signed, and completed form via EasyChair using your author account.
Corresponding Authors
Please nominate a corresponding author, whose name and email address must be included in the copyright release form. If sending the copyright release form by email, please include the corresponding author’s name and email address in the email. This author will be responsible for checking the pre-print proof of the final version of your paper that Springer will prepare.
Pre-print Checking
The publisher has recently introduced an extra control loop: once data processing is finished, they will contact all corresponding authors and ask them to check their papers within 72 hours. We expect this to happen shortly before the printing of the proceedings. At that time your quick interaction with Springer-Verlag will be greatly appreciated.
Formatting and Page Limits
Papers should strictly conform to the LNCS paper formatting guidelines. Please do not change the spacing and dimensions associated with the paper template files. Please ensure that your paper meets the page limits for your paper type. Page limits are strict.
Regular research/practice papers: Up to 10 pages including figures, references, and appendices.
Tools papers: Up to 10 pages, including figures, references, and appendices.
Position papers: 6 pages including figures, references, and any appendices.
Workshop Chairs
Ewen Denney, SGT / NASA Ames, USA
Ibrahim Habli, University of York, UK
Richard Hawkins ,University of York, UK
Ganesh, Pai, SGT / NASA Ames, USA
Program Committee
Simon Burton, Bosch Research, Germany
Isabelle Conway, ESA/ESTEC, Netherlands
Martin Feather, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA
Alwyn Goodloe, NASA Langley Research Center, USA
Jérémie Guiochet, LAAS-CNRS, France
Joshua Kaizer, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, USA
Tim Kelly, University of York, UK
Yoshiki Kinoshita, Kanagawa University, Japan
Andrew Rae, Griffith University, Australia
Philippa Ryan, Adelard, UK
Mark-Alexander Sujan, University of Warwick, UK
Kenji Taguchi, CAV Technologies Co. Ltd., Japan
Sean White, NHS Digital, UK
Previous ASSURE Workshops
ASSURE 2017, Trento, Italy
ASSURE 2016, Trondheim, Norway
ASSURE 2015, Delft, The Netherlands
ASSURE 2014, Naples, Italy
ASSURE 2013, San Francisco, USA
Contact the Organizers
If you have questions about paper topics, submission and/or about ASSURE 2018 in general, please contact the Workshop Organizers.
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