Drugs and other illegal commodities were sold in large quantities on this Finnish-language platform which had been operating on the Onion Router (Tor) network since May 2022. This successful action by the Finnish Customs was supported, among others, by the German Federal Criminal Office (Bundeskriminalamt) and the Lithuanian Criminal Police Bureau (Lietuvos kriminalinės policijos biuras). Europol’s European Cybercrime Centre coordinated the operation, which led to the arrest of several individuals involved in the illicit trade.
The Finnish Customs, in collaboration with international law enforcement agencies, managed to dismantle a major illegal platform operating on the dark web. This platform, accessible only through the Tor network, facilitated the sale of drugs and other illegal commodities. The operation was a result of coordinated efforts between the Finnish Customs, the German Federal Criminal Office, and the Lithuanian Criminal Police Bureau.
The involvement of Europol’s European Cybercrime Centre highlights the importance of international cooperation in combating cybercrime. The successful outcome of this operation demonstrates the effectiveness of collaboration between different law enforcement agencies across borders. By pooling their resources and expertise, these agencies were able to bring down a significant criminal network operating in multiple countries.
The use of the Tor network for illegal activities has been a growing concern for law enforcement agencies worldwide. The anonymity provided by the network makes it an attractive platform for criminals looking to engage in illicit activities. However, this operation serves as a reminder that no one is beyond the reach of the law. Through diligent investigation and cooperation, law enforcement agencies can track down and apprehend those responsible for illegal activities on the dark web.

The arrest of individuals involved in the illegal trade sends a strong message to other potential offenders. It reaffirms that law enforcement agencies are actively monitoring and taking action against criminal activities on the dark web. The dismantling of this Finnish-language platform is a significant blow to the underground market for drugs and other illegal commodities.
In conclusion, the successful operation led by the Finnish Customs, with support from international law enforcement agencies, highlights the importance of collaboration in combating cybercrime. The arrest of individuals involved in the illegal trade on the dark web serves as a deterrent to others and emphasizes that no one is beyond the reach of the law. This operation represents a significant step towards curbing the illicit trade of drugs and other illegal commodities online.
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Sursa si foto: EUROPOL

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