Explorarea lui Europa: Clipperul spre o lume oceanică

BY: stiridinromania.ro In Magazin
A SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket carrying NASA’s Europa Clipper spacecraft launches off the coast of Florida, with blue skies and ocean in the background.

NASA a lansat cu succes Europa Clipper, o misiune spațială care va investiga luna Europa, aflată în jurul lui Jupiter și care are un imens ocean subteran ce ar putea avea condiții favorabile pentru susținerea vieții. Nava spațială a fost lansată la 12:06 p.m. EDT luni, la bordul unei rachete SpaceX Falcon Heavy de la Platforma de Lansare 39A de la Centrul Spațial Kennedy al NASA din Florida.

Europa Clipper este cea mai mare navă spațială construită vreodată de NASA pentru o misiune către alt planetă și prima misiune NASA dedicată studierii unei lumi oceanice dincolo de Pământ. Aceasta va călători 1.8 miliarde de mile (2.9 miliarde de kilometri) pe o traiectorie care va folosi forța asistenței gravitaționale, întâi către Marte în patru luni, apoi înapoi la Pământ pentru o altă trecere de asistență gravitațională în 2026. După ce va începe să orbiteze Jupiter în aprilie 2030, nava spațială va trece pe lângă Europa de 49 de ori.

Principalul obiectiv al misiunii este de a determina dacă Europa are condiții care ar putea susține viața. Informațiile de la misiunea Galileo a NASA din anii 1990 au arătat dovezi puternice că sub gheața Europei se află un ocean sărat imens cu mai multă apă decât toate oceanele Pământului combinate. Oamenii de știință au descoperit de asemenea dovezi că Europa ar putea găzdui compuși organici și surse de energie sub suprafață.

Europa Clipper este echipată cu nouă instrumente științifice și un experiment de gravitație, inclusiv un radar de penetrare în gheață, camere și un instrument termic pentru a căuta zone de gheață mai caldă și eventuale erupții recente de apă. Aceste instrumente vor lucra în concert pentru a afla mai multe despre coaja de gheață, atmosfera subțire și interiorul adânc al lunii Europa.

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Cu toate acestea, pentru a alimenta aceste instrumente în lumina slabă care ajunge la Jupiter, Europa Clipper poartă cele mai mari matrice solare pe care NASA le-a folosit vreodată pentru o misiune interplanetară. Cu matricele extinse, nava spațială se întinde pe o lungime de 100 de picioare (30.5 metri) dintr-un capăt în altul. Cu propulsia încărcată, cântărește aproximativ 13,000 de kilograme.

Până acum, peste 4,000 de persoane au contribuit la misiunea Europa Clipper începând cu aprobarea sa formală în 2015.

Această misiune către Europa reprezintă un pas important în explorarea sistemului solar și în căutarea răspunsului la întrebarea „suntem singuri?”. Misiunea Europa Clipper va deschide noi orizonturi în studiul astrobiologiei și va oferi informații prețioase pentru înțelegerea potențialului de viață pe alte lumi din afara Pământului.

NASA’s Europa Clipper has embarked on its long voyage to Jupiter, where it will investigate Europa, a moon with an enormous subsurface ocean that may have conditions to support life. The spacecraft launched at 12:06 p.m. EDT Monday aboard a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket from Launch Pad 39A at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

The largest spacecraft NASA ever built for a mission headed to another planet, Europa Clipper also is the first NASA mission dedicated to studying an ocean world beyond Earth. The spacecraft will travel 1.8 billion miles (2.9 billion kilometers) on a trajectory that will leverage the power of gravity assists, first to Mars in four months and then back to Earth for another gravity assist flyby in 2026. After it begins orbiting Jupiter in April 2030, the spacecraft will fly past Europa 49 times.

“Congratulations to our Europa Clipper team for beginning the first journey to an ocean world beyond Earth,” said NASA Administrator Bill Nelson. “NASA leads the world in exploration and discovery, and the Europa Clipper mission is no different. By exploring the unknown, Europa Clipper will help us better understand whether there is the potential for life not just within our solar system, but among the billions of moons and planets beyond our Sun.”

Approximately five minutes after liftoff, the rocket’s second stage fired up and the payload fairing, or the rocket’s nose cone, opened to reveal Europa Clipper. About an hour after launch, the spacecraft separated from the rocket. Ground controllers received a signal soon after, and two-way communication was established at 1:13 p.m. with NASA’s Deep Space Network facility in Canberra, Australia. Mission teams celebrated as initial telemetry reports showed Europa Clipper is in good health and operating as expected.

“We could not be more excited for the incredible and unprecedented science NASA’s Europa Clipper mission will deliver in the generations to come,” said Nicky Fox, associate administrator, Science Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters in Washington. “Everything in NASA science is interconnected, and Europa Clipper’s scientific discoveries will build upon the legacy that our other missions exploring Jupiter — including Juno, Galileo, and Voyager — created in our search for habitable worlds beyond our home planet.”

The main goal of the mission is to determine whether Europa has conditions that could support life. Europa is about the size of our own Moon, but its interior is different. Information from NASA’s Galileo mission in the 1990s showed strong evidence that under Europa’s ice lies an enormous, salty ocean with more water than all of Earth’s oceans combined. Scientists also have found evidence that Europa may host organic compounds and energy sources under its surface.

If the mission determines Europa is habitable, it may mean there are more habitable worlds in our solar system and beyond than imagined.

“We’re ecstatic to send Europa Clipper on its way to explore a potentially habitable ocean world, thanks to our colleagues and partners who’ve worked so hard to get us to this day,” said Laurie Leshin, director, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California. “Europa Clipper will undoubtedly deliver mind-blowing science. While always bittersweet to send something we’ve labored over for years off on its long journey, we know this remarkable team and spacecraft will expand our knowledge of our solar system and inspire future exploration.”

In 2031, the spacecraft will begin conducting its science-dedicated flybys of Europa. Coming as close as 16 miles (25 kilometers) to the surface, Europa Clipper is equipped with nine science instruments and a gravity experiment, including an ice-penetrating radar, cameras, and a thermal instrument to look for areas of warmer ice and any recent eruptions of water. As the most sophisticated suite of science instruments NASA has ever sent to Jupiter, they will work in concert to learn more about the moon’s icy shell, thin atmosphere, and deep interior.

To power those instruments in the faint sunlight that reaches Jupiter, Europa Clipper also carries the largest solar arrays NASA has ever used for an interplanetary mission. With arrays extended, the spacecraft spans 100 feet (30.5 meters) from end to end. With propellant loaded, it weighs about 13,000 pounds (5,900 kilograms).

In all, more than 4,000 people have contributed to Europa Clipper mission since it was formally approved in 2015.

“As Europa Clipper embarks on its journey, I’ll be thinking about the countless hours of dedication, innovation, and teamwork that made this moment possible,” said Jordan Evans, project manager, NASA JPL. “This launch isn’t just the next chapter in our exploration of the solar system; it’s a leap toward uncovering the mysteries of another ocean world, driven by our shared curiosity and continued search to answer the question, ‘are we alone?’”

More About Europa Clipper

Europa Clipper’s three main science objectives are to determine the thickness of the moon’s icy shell and its interactions with the ocean below, to investigate its composition, and to characterize its geology. The mission’s detailed exploration of Europa will help scientists better understand the astrobiological potential for habitable worlds beyond our planet.

Managed by Caltech in Pasadena, California, NASA JPL leads the development of the Europa Clipper mission in partnership with the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) in Laurel, Maryland, for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate in Washington. The main spacecraft body was designed by APL in collaboration with NASA JPL and NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, and NASA’s Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia. The Planetary Missions Program Office at Marshall executes program management of the Europa Clipper mission.

NASA’s Launch Services Program, based at NASA Kennedy, managed the launch service for the Europa Clipper spacecraft.

Find more information about NASA’s Europa Clipper mission here:



Meira Bernstein / Karen Fox
Headquarters, Washington
meira.b.bernstein@nasa.gov / karen.c.fox@nasa.gov

Gretchen McCartney
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

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Sursa si foto: NASA

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