Ukraine News: Today, Ukraine began to mark the first anniversary of the first victorious battles of the full-scale war

BY: In Articole, Externe
Today, Ukraine began to mark the first anniversary of the first victorious battles of the full-scale war – the battles in the north of our country that made the occupier flee. It was on March 21 last year that the Battle of Moshchun, a small village in the Kyiv region, ended, and it was the first major step of our country towards victory in this war. There were other such steps… The Battle of Hostomel. The Battle of Irpin. Fighting in the Chernihiv and Sumy regions. The Bat…tle of Zmiinyi. A fierce confrontation in the south of Ukraine and our unique defense operation that returned freedom to the Kharkiv region. We will achieve the same result in other active actions. In the heroic battle for Donbas, which will inevitably be dominated by the Ukrainian flag. In the subsequent confrontation in the south, which will restore normal Ukrainian life in the Azov region. In the return of our Crimea, from where the migration of the most far-sighted rats of the terrorist state has already begun. Glory to each and every one who is now in combat! Glory to each and every one who is fighting for Ukraine near Bakhmut, Avdiivka, Vuhledar and all other hot spots of the frontline! Glory to our heroes! Офіс Президента України

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