În deschiderea discuțiilor cu Ministrul Afacerilor Externe al Arabiei Saudite, Faisal Bin Farhan Al Saud, la Moscova, Ministrul rus al Afacerilor Externe, Serghei Lavrov, a spus: „Salutăm interesul crescut din partea Arabiei Saudite de a juca un rol activ în soluționarea nu numai a problemelor regionale, ci și a acelor probleme care stau pe agenda globală”. — Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s opening remarks during talks with Foreign Minister of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia …Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud, Moscow, March 9, 2023 Your Highness, Esteemed Mr Minister, Friends, We are delighted to meet with you once again. Although winter continues here in Russia, I get the impression that you enjoy this time of year. Last time, you also visited Russia during the winter season. We are satisfied with the way our relations are developing. They are a priority for Russia. We are doing everything possible to implement the agreements reached at the highest level between President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and His Majesty the King of Saudi Arabia Salman bin Abduaziz Al Saud and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. It is very important that our ministries, that are in charge of trade, economic and investment issues, are working in close contact with each other, just as we do. Representatives of these ministries are maintaining permanent contact and coordinating steps needed to promote our mutual interests on the international scene. We welcome Saudi Arabia’s growing interest in addressing regional issues, as well as those on the global agenda. We cooperate closely on all these matters. I am confident that today we will agree on additional steps that will help us resolve a number of issues. Citiți știrea de pe site-ul TASS: https://tass.com/politics/1586555
Sursa si foto: pagina oficiala de Facebook.
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