Descoperirea neașteptată a spectrometrului EMIT: Depistarea emisiilor de gaze cu efect de seră

BY: In Magazin
Picture of burning oil gas flare outdoors

Un instrument de imagistică aflat la bordul Stației Spațiale Internaționale (ISS) a reușit să detecteze mai mult decât doar minerale de la suprafața Pământului, potrivit unui nou studiu publicat în revista Science Advances. Instrumentul, numit EMIT (Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation), a fost lansat în iulie 2022 cu scopul de a cartografia 10 minerale importante din regiunile aride ale lumii. Cu toate acestea, EMIT a demonstrat o eficiență surprinzătoare în detectarea surselor de emisii de gaze cu efect de seră, în special metanul.

Deși detectarea metanului nu a fost parte a misiunii principale a instrumentului EMIT, aceasta a reușit să identifice peste 750 de surse de emisii de metan începând cu luna august a anului trecut. Aceste surse variază de la mici emisii în locații izolate până la emisii persistente în timp. Capacitatea de a identifica sursele de metan este deosebit de importantă, deoarece permite operatorilor de gropi de gunoi, terenuri agricole, facilități petroliere și gaze și altor producători de metan să abordeze aceste emisii. Metanul, un gaz cu efect de seră, este de până la 80 de ori mai puternic în captarea căldurii decât dioxidul de carbon, într-un interval de aproximativ un deceniu.

Studiul arată că EMIT a reușit să detecteze surse de emisii de metan atât mari (zeci de mii de kilograme de metan pe oră), cât și surprinzător de mici (sute de kilograme de metan pe oră). Această capacitate de detectare a unui număr mai mare de “super-emisii” este importantă pentru că acestea sunt responsabile pentru o parte disproporționată din totalul emisiilor de gaze cu efect de seră.

În plus, instrumentul EMIT poate observa între 60% și 85% din plăcile de metan observate în campaniile aeriene, bazându-se pe primele 30 de zile de detectare a gazelor cu efect de seră. Această capacitate este deosebit de importantă deoarece instrumentele de detectare a metanului de pe aeronave sunt mai sensibile, însă necesită informații preliminare pentru a justifica trimiterea unui avion într-o anumită zonă. De multe ori, anumite zone nu sunt examinate din cauza riscurilor, a costurilor sau a izolării. În schimb, instrumentul EMIT poate colecta date de la o altitudine de aproximativ 400 de kilometri, oferind imagini ale suprafeței Pământului în zonele aride, care nu au fost până acum accesibile pentru instrumentele aeriene.

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EMIT a fost selectat în cadrul Programului Earth Venture Instrument-4 al NASA și a fost dezvoltat la Jet Propulsion Laboratory al NASA. Datele colectate de acest instrument sunt disponibile pentru utilizarea publicului și a cercetătorilor. Pentru mai multe informații despre misiunea EMIT, puteți vizita site-ul oficial al NASA.

Since launching 16 months ago, the EMIT imaging spectrometer aboard the International Space Station has shown an ability to detect more than just surface minerals.

More than a year after first detecting methane plumes from its perch aboard the International Space Station, data from NASA’s EMIT instrument is now being used to identify point-source emissions of greenhouse gases with a proficiency that has surprised even its designers.

Short for Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation, EMIT was launched in July 2022 to map 10 key minerals on the surface of the world’s arid regions. Those mineral-related observations, which are already available to researchers and the public, will help improve understanding of how dust that gets lofted into the atmosphere affects climate.

Detecting methane was not part of EMIT’s primary mission, but the instrument’s designers did expect the imaging spectrometer to have the capability. Now, with more than 750 emissions sources identified since August 2022 – some small, others in remote locations, and others persistent in time – the instrument has more than delivered in that regard, according to a new study published in Science Advances.

“We were a little cautious at first about what we could do with the instrument,” said Andrew Thorpe, a research technologist on the EMIT science team at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California and the paper’s lead author. “It has exceeded our expectations.”

By knowing where methane emissions are coming from, operators of landfills, agriculture sites, oil and gas facilities, and other methane producers have an opportunity to address them. Tracking human-caused emissions of methane is key to limiting climate change because it offers a comparatively low-cost, rapid approach to reducing greenhouse gases. Methane lingers in the atmosphere for about a decade, but during this span, it’s up to 80 times more powerful at trapping heat than carbon dioxide, which remains for centuries.

Surprising Results

EMIT has proven effective at spotting emission sources both big (tens of thousands of pounds of methane per hour) and surprisingly small (down to the hundreds of pounds of methane per hour). This is important because it permits identification of a greater number of “super-emitters” – sources that produce disproportionate shares of total emissions.

The new study documents how EMIT, based on its first 30 days of greenhouse gas detection, can observe 60% to 85% of the methane plumes typically seen in airborne campaigns.

From several thousand feet above the ground, methane-detecting instruments on aircraft are more sensitive, but to warrant sending a plane, researchers need prior indication that they’ll detect methane. Many areas are not examined because they are considered too remote, too risky, or too costly. Additionally, the campaigns that do occur cover relatively limited areas for short periods.

On the other hand, from about 250 miles (400 kilometers) altitude on the space station, EMIT collects data over a large swath of the planet – specifically the arid regions that fall between 51.6 degrees north and south latitude. The imaging spectrometer captures 50-mile-by-50-mile (80-kilometer-by-80-kilometer) images of the surface – researchers call them “scenes” – including many regions that have been beyond the reach of airborne instruments.

This time-lapse video shows the Canadarm2 robotic arm of the International Space Station maneuvering NASA’s EMIT mission onto the exterior of the station. Extraction from the SpaceX Dragon spacecraft began around 5:15 p.m. PDT on July 22 and was completed at 10:15 a.m. PDT on July 24. Portions of the installation have been omitted, while others have been speeded up. Credit: NASA

“The number and scale of methane plumes measured by EMIT around our planet is stunning,” said Robert O. Green, a JPL senior research scientist and EMIT’s principal investigator.

Scene-by-Scene Detections

To support source identification, the EMIT science team creates maps of methane plumes and releases them on a website, with underlying data available at the joint NASA-United States Geological Survey Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LP DAAC). The mission’s data is available for use by the public, scientists, and organizations.

Since EMIT began collecting observations in August 2022, it has documented over 50,000 scenes. The instrument spotted a cluster of emissions sources in a rarely studied region of southern Uzbekistan on Sept. 1, 2022, detecting 12 methane plumes totaling about 49,734 pounds (22,559 kilograms) per hour.

In addition, the instrument has spotted plumes far smaller than expected. Captured in a remote corner of southeastern Libya on Sept. 3, 2022, one of the smallest sources so far was emitting 979 pounds (444 kilograms) per hour, based on estimates of local wind speed.

More About the Mission

EMIT was selected from the Earth Venture Instrument-4 solicitation under the Earth Science Division of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate and was developed at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which is managed for the agency by Caltech in Pasadena, California. The instrument’s data is available at the NASA Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center for use by other researchers and the public.

To learn more about the mission, visit:

News Media Contacts

Andrew Wang / Jane J. Lee
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.
626-379-6874 / 818-354-0307 /


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Sursa si foto: NASA

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